Rhonda's A 'Muse'-ing Rambles

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Sunset Musings

Posted by Range Officer Rhonda on January 9, 2011

The past few days have shown us some gorgeous sunsets. My son and I grabbed our cameras and shot a few pictures. I will inlcude one for your enjoyment.

These sunsets remind me of our family watching the sunset each night, a standard tradition whether we were at our home in Happy Rock, USA, at the Southern Missouri Ozarks’ lake Pomme de Terre or watching as a blazing ball slipped over the edge of the wall of our compound in the Middle East. The best was perhaps watching the sun dip into the Red Sea after a day on the beach, although we seldom lingered there past dark.

I’ve always been a sky watcher, during my Sky Diving days I would spend most of my ground time looking up. During my Scuba days, I would watch the sun’s rays pierce from underneath the water; like golden spears reaching down to touch me, or watch the moon trail it’s arrowing path across the waters, inexorably drawing the eyes along it’s path. Everywhere and every when, I am a sky watcher.

When my mother and I would sit and watch the sky fall to darkness, those were the times we would talk. At first, it would be just about how our day went, or with Grandma, we’d hear tales of family before, crops, weather and animals. From an early age, mom taught me to focus my thoughts by watching the sky, settling my mind at the end of the day. Dad would get involved too – describing how the contrails were formed as they lay a tic-tac-toe pattern onto the sky’s page.

Now, when I look at the sky, I still see fanicful animals and dazzling displays of color as the evening sun dresses up the end of each day. The first star of the night still has the power to make me wish upon a star. My wish this evening is that my mother is happy in heaven and as she gazes down upon me, watching the sky, she knows I am thinking of her.

Tomorrow, January 10th, would be my Mother’s birthday were whe still alive. Watch for my post over on the new blog, One Woman’s Day. It can be found at: http://www.onewomansday.wordpress.com

3 Responses to “Sunset Musings”

  1. patbean said

    Beautiful photo … from one skywatcher to another
    Pat Bean http://patbean.wordpress.com

  2. susanideus said

    I love sunsets and we often have spectacular ones here, One of my favorite things about New Mexico. Your remembrances of your mom are sweet. Loved your OWD post too.

  3. Dani said

    I live in the “land of pink sky” and before I leave, I’m going to do some paintings. It’s really one of the nicest things about the wide open spaces. Love the OWD post, too! Don’t forget to visit me, gal! http://nfromn.blogspot.com

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